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  • 打乒乓球可以增強手眼協調能力和注意力

  • 鍛鍊身體以增強體質

  • 參與社交活動以促進社交互動


  • 這些專業人員在我們的計劃中發揮著至關重要的作用,他們進行徹底的認知測試、身體評估和藥物管理。

  • 透過與我們的醫療專業人員合作,我們的目標是全面應對與癡呆症、阿茲海默症和帕金森氏症相關的挑戰。


  • 透過結合虛擬實境(VR)和人工智慧,我們採用先進的技術來恢復受記憶喪失影響的區域的記憶。

  • 透過 VR 模擬和 AI 演算法,我們可以促進記憶回憶並創造有意義的體驗。


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Mable Tsang and Kerry Ann Edge, both seasoned PISTA professionals, led a transformative training session at Tung Chung Catholic School.


Tsang, with her expertise in children's coaching, emphasized the importance of fostering a supportive home environment and understanding developmental milestones. Meanwhile, Edge, provided practical strategies for addressing the unique needs of children with SEN. Through interactive sessions and real-life case studies, parents gained valuable insights and confidence to advocate effectively for their children's educational requirements.

Central to the training was PISTA's pioneering research on utilizing sounds, vibrations, and insights from brain science to enhance children's learning experiences. By understanding the intricate connections between sensory stimuli and cognitive development, parents gained valuable insights into optimizing their child's learning environment both at home and in educational settings.

The training underscored the importance of collaboration between parents, educators, and professionals in supporting children's holistic development. By fostering a deeper understanding of children's needs and capabilities, participants emerged equipped with the tools to create nurturing and inclusive environments where every child can thrive.

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