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PISTA 研究所發表的研究和文章代表了跨越各個學科的豐富知識和專業知識,包括人類發展、神經科學、心理學、運動科學和聲音科學。這些作品是寶貴的資源,提供了對人腦複雜性的見解、個人成長的創新方法以及針對人類常見挑戰的基於證據的解決方案。憑藉 45 年實證研究的遺產,該研究所的出版物為明智的決策提供了堅實的基礎,並成為學術、研究和社區機構以及尋求提高自身福祉的個人的靈感來源。存在並駕馭生活的複雜性。

Gamma Oscillation Related Studies and Articles

  • Mechanisms of Gamma Oscillations. Click here to read.

  • A review of gamma oscillations in healthy subjects and in cognitive impairment. Click here to read.

  • Gamma Oscillations in Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Potential Therapeutic Role. Click here to read.

  • Gamma Frequency Sensory Stimulation in Probable Mild Alzheimer’s Dementia Patients: Results of a Preliminary Clinical Trial. Click here to read.

  • A pulse of hope in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Click here to read.

Vibration Therapy Studies and Articles

  • Effects of vibration training on quality of life in older adults: a preliminary systematic review and meta‑analysis. Click here to read.

  • Effect of low frequency sound vibration on acute stress response in university students—Pilot randomized controlled trial. Click here to read.

  • Vibration Therapy and Its Influence on Health. Click here to read.

Binaural Sound and Brain Stimulation Related Study and PISTA Published Article

  • Dosage and Lasting Effects of Binaural Beats on Working Memory and Attention. Click here to read.

  • Mind and Mend Program: A Pilot Study Combining Binaural Beats with Self-Actualization Techniques to Develop a Therapy Protocol. Click here to read.

  • Modulatory Effect of Association of Brain Stimulation by Light and Binaural Beats in Specific Brain Waves. Click here to read.

  • Auditory Beat Stimulation and its Effects on Cognition and Mood States. Click here to read.

  • Stimulation by Light and Sound: Therapeutics Effects in Humans. Systematic Review. Click here to read.

Ongoing PISTA Research and Related Studies on Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Decline

  • (Ongoing Research) Caregiving for Dementia with Brain and Sound Stimulation using PISTA Therapy. Click here to read. 

  • Unique visual stimulation may be new treatment for Alzheimer's. Click here to read.

  • Gamma Band Neural Stimulation in Humans and the Promise of a New Modality to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s Disease. Click here to read. 

  • Multi-mechanical waves against Alzheimer’s disease pathology: a systematic review. Click here to read.

  • Long-lasting, dissociable improvements in working memory and long-term memory in older adults with repetitive neuromodulation. Click here to read.

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